Bring Food Donations to:
28 Walnut Road
Wallingford, PA
Donation Hours:
Mondays 10:30-1:30
Tuesdays 5-6, 6:45-8:00
Or by appointment: - See instructions on the Donate Food & Things page.
Make a Difference!
​How to Help:
Lifewerks started because we saw a need and had the ability to meet that need. We appreciate that so many people have asked how they can help - it shows that you are seeing needs that you can meet, too.
If you would be willing to volunteer, please contact us using the contact form.
Volunteers are needed to:
Pick up food donations
Unload Deliveries
Fill orders during pantry hours
Restock shelves, fridges and freezers
Find funding and food
Find grants
Do inventory and ordering
Volunteer, Mentor, Donate . . . pay forward!

Everyone wins when the people being helped turn into helpers. That's our goal at Lifewerks - people paying forward.