Todd Linebaugh - Just another Hero.
We think it's great that Todd shows up in his hero shirt to do hero work! It cracks us up. And since Todd is a comedian as well as a super-hero of a volunteer, it's a double-whammy.
Honestly, we're not sure what we did before he came along, or what we'll do when he goes back to work. We do know that we're grateful. While our clients are going about their lives, and waiting in the pantry for their food orders to be filled, Todd is unloading donations by the truck load, stocking shelves, rearranging cases upon cases of heavy canned goods, and so much more. His work history is working in store management, and it shows. He understands inventory and rotating product, and all those things that a very active food pantry must manage for things to work well. We're grateful that he sees this as a prime opportunity to get in a workout while his fitness place is closed. We get that. And we also know that it's not quite the same kind of workout, so we know that this is truly a sacrificial workout. Thank you, Todd. You're our hero. One of many, but truly one of the stars.